My LeeLee
Once in a great while someone comes along
That can take your opinions way beyond
They swoop in like a phoenix in the night
And bring the sun into your life so bright
With an intelligence that is far beyond books
Only bypassed by her style and good looks
She will touch your heart in ways unknown
So subtle she is, like an expensive cologne
With beauty, intelligence and willpower
She defeats the demons and empowers
How can I detach and live without my right hand?
Thoughts of losing her were not ever planned
But here I stand knowing she has grown
Beyond the shelter that we both call home
I wave goodbye as I watch her leave
Does she know how much, in her, I believe
She will conquer the world beyond our borders
Succeed she will and not take any orders
I wish her well as she writes her future
Knowing I had a hand in it as her tutor
I hope that maybe one day we will meet again
When she is all powerful and I with a cane
This is not with sadness that I write these words
But with a pride that she flown like a bird
My young protégé, my mentored, my LeeLee
And I am sure that everyone will heartily agree
That you will be sadly missed by one and all
Understanding that it was your time to run with the ball
Good luck is so impersonal an expression
Why people say it, I have to question
For it is not luck that will see you through
It is your tenacity to jump in to the new
Go get ‘em girl, is on my lips and in my heart
Wage that path that years ago I myself did start
You are the future and I know for a fact
your success is guaranteed and more than packed
My love for you will never waiver
Just know for me you were a lifesaver.
-Peyregne 2020