There is a place where we all go, dead or alive,
Where the time stands still or sets in even stride.
Beautiful and ugly are words or ammunition,
And can impact or detract with the overall mission.
Hate can run through you like thick maple syrup,
love can blossom in you like flowers sun facing.
The choice is not yours to pick or choose or run,
It drives like a train in the fog, rain and hot sun.
Invisible you can be, no one watching or can see,
Or concrete as a wall falling and opposing all but me.
Do you recognize all around the questioning scene,
Or stand in a corner wondering viewing friend or feign?
It is a place of confusion or instant recognition sought,
Health robust or poor, the feeling within you share or not.
Rain falling soaking all around you, colors running and dry,
Or rain just falling to soak you down your cheeks as you cry.
Sadness running through your veins rooting into the ground,
Or happiness abounding, wrapping you in soothing sound.
The animals are yours of all colors and rough smooth texture,
Afraid you can be or maybe bold, strong or weak mixture.
Do you know where you are or where you want to be?
Are you driving or walking, running and flying for a fee.
What are you holding in your hands and broken heart,
Does it slap you in the face or fill you with a million parts?
What do I speak of a story you can love or you can hate,
One constant is that it is all yours and can drive your fate.
Flow with the visions making them your northern star,
Or deny the happening running fast separating by afar.
Share if you will the deep-seated adventure made all yours,
Forget you will unless you share the illness made of sores.
Keep forever inside the painful embarrassment or boast pride,
Hoping others will share with you in fiction on their side.
My mouth waters for your decision, keeping me in rapture,
I will take your words and translate to all those that capture.
Your sadness and happiness for me to conform my transgression,
Helping me to advance and promote my nasty profession.
Hate me if you will, I actually do not see feelings and wrong,
I will bow to your imagination searching my words so long.
Keep me enthralled with your hearts hate and your pain,
Your blood will fill my page and leaving steaks and stain.
Keep your contention under wraps of color or grey,
It will die on the vine with time and memory not stay.
Living on is the aim of all in space of now and fame,
Silence is enemy of preeminence and controlled fame.
I am the secret killer of delusion, swift, fast, and strong,
Publishing the feelings of the weak tainting the love song.
Deeper you feel, the longer I will drive the paddlewheel,
To defraud your self-worth, your individuality my meal.
Feed me each night, for your sufficiency is rich for the taking,
Fight me now, and your soul will be ripe for the taking.
I do not need you now or never, all in this world feeds me,
Infamy could be yours or tricked with the varying degree.
Pick your poison of many colors, you will take it either way,
Is the tree not strong, breaking with the wind after she sways.
Bow to my impress and you will keep sanity without upset,
Give me your dreams, I will always win the game of roulette.
- Peyregne, 2/2023